Friday, December 15, 2006

dbQwikSite Full Trial Available

The long awaited Full Trial Edition of dbQwikSite is now available for download. This Edition allows you to try all the features of all editions of dbQwikSite. You can open, design and test on your PC. The only restriction is that the pages cannot be deployed (published). The generated pages are encrypted and run only in dbQwikWebServer, which is automatically installed when you install dbQwikSite.

If you don’t know about our versions, PE is a free version and doubles as a “Trial” version. However many features of the advanced versions (PRO and Ecommerce) are not available in PE. While this is not an issue for PE users who want a free tool, for the other group of PE users that want a way to demo more advanced features they could not do so. PE now does not have to do “double-duty” as a free “lite” edition and as a demo edition. I hope this opens the door for TheDevShop to make PE more tuned to it’s true target audience in the future. And for those of you who want a risk free test drive of dbQwikSite in it’s fullest capability, Full Trial is just the ticket.

You can download dbQwikSite Full Trial Edition from:

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